Thursday, August 9, 2012

Up -To-Date- Info

Well it has been some time. it seems that real life gets in the way of volunteer work. What have I learned???? I have learned many lessons through this experience; inner beauty ( when you have no teeth that is a big one), appreciation of life, but most of all that life gives you many gifts! They just don't always come in a pretty packages. The lives I have had the privileged of touching, the friends I have made, and the ability to give back builds great character I promise! I have met mom's and children that now live in my circle of friends that remember the moment that they received a helmet. It is amazing to hear the impact that a community can have on one an other. To date it is OVER 1000 helmets!!! Can you believe it! Thank you everyone and I hope my story carries on:) Please keep on giving, helping, and believing that every day you CAN make a difference if we do it together:) All my Love, Nancy

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